This is the first inter club race for the season. It is over a 9km cross country course.
The more members from Marlborough the better chance we have of bringing the shield over the hill.
To get there travel over the Whangamoa Hill until you get to Hira School, Hira Garage and Dairy then the turnoff is on your right.
Allow plenty of time to get there.
There is no car share in place so please talk among yourselves and arrange or get over there under your own steam.
Stay and enjoy Nelson hospitality afterwards.
Cross Country race
Cross Country Championship
The Cross Country Championship will be held on the Seventeen Valley course.
Travel from Blenheim towards Seddon about 10km. The carpark and start of the course is on the right over the narrow bridge before you start climbing the hill.
The championship is a competition for all financial members of the Club. We would welcome members of the public to come and join us to see what this Cross Country racing is all about.
After the event stay and enjoy a chat over a cup of tea or coffee provided. Please bring some afternoon tea to share with others.
Volunteers are required to set up 12 noon and take down afterwards.
Burton Cup
The Burton Cup is the oldest trophy in the Club. It is a Cross Country handicapped race at the Taylor Dam Cross Country Course. This year the course will be set up in reverse so you will be running from the start towards the public carpark, over the top of the Dam completing the course where you started off.
This race is run in grades with winners from each grade.
Stay on to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee provided and a chat. Please bring something for afternoon tea to share with others.
Volunteers required to set the course up 12 noon and pulled down after the event.
Novice Cup handicap race
Come and join us at the Taylor Dam Cross Country Course. This is the first test of the season.
The Novice Cup is won by the first financial member crossing the finish line first in each grade that has not won a competitive trophy before.
All are welcome to come and see and join in the fun of running Cross Country.
Stay after the event to enjoy tea or coffee provided and a chat. Please bring some afternoon tea to share with others.
Volunteers required from 12 noon to set up the course then take down after the race.