An earlier start for this event (1pm).
Meet at Inglis Street next to the Havelock Pub. The run briefing will start at 1pm. After the briefing there will be a mini van provided to take the runners/walkers to their starting place on the Link Pathway. The mini van will make the first drop off at Momorangi and then travel back to Havelock dropping off runners/walkers along the way.
The distances are: Momorangi 21k, Aussie Bay Jetty 19k, Anakiwa intersection 16k, Linkwater garage 13k, Moanui 8k, Cullens Point lookout 5k (and if you wish for a bit more distance there is the Cullens Point Loop which will add a further 3.2k).
If you want a seat on the mini van please let Pete (027 447 5027 – or Allister (021 159 0678 – know before Saturday so we can make sure that there are enough seats available.
After this event come along to the Havelock Pub for a social drink/eats.
Look for the Harrier sign.