The running of the 36th Queen Charlotte Relay between Picton and Havelock was run on Saturday.
Conditions for the day were ideal with rain during the debrief at Picton School then for the run going from overcast to fine and warm.
We had 7 walker teams competing leaving Waitohi Domain at 11.30am. We had 2 runner teams who had requested they leave with the walkers because their team was going to be slow.

42 runner teams took to the Queen Charlotte Drive leaving Picton 1pm.
Teams were mainly from Marlborough but we had one from Rangiora, one from Island Bay, 12 from Nelson.
It became quite obvious Athletics Nelson Senior Men team had decided they were going to challenge the field and also go below 2 hours – a time they had been challenging for the past couple of years running as Junior Men. Their time was 1 hr 59 min 47 seconds.
The Athletics Nelson Junior Men came in 2nd in 2 hr 12 min 21 seconds.

Marlborough Harrier Club Senior Men came in third in 2 hr 12 min 45 seconds.

Our generous sponsors allowed us to offer great performance prizes for qualifying grades, fastest lap times all grades, excellent 21 spot prize bags.

As a special spot prize where we drew a lap number then a team number and whoever that lucky person was won a Trek Mountain Bike from Spokesman Cycles Marlborough This was won by Ashleigh Weaver in the MOB team. We asked her after the prizegiving if she already had a bike. She did but a real old one which she hated so the bike went to the right person who needed it.

Then we did the same for a family ticket of 2 adults with 3 children on the Pelorus Mailboat Havelock. This was won by Kenneth Leach of Blenheim. He does not have children or a partner so he has something to work on – Don’t tell Kay, his mother.
Our generous sponsors were in no particular order; Spokesman Cycles Marlborough, Pelorus Mailboat Havelock, Yealands Estate Winery, Mitchell Sports, Mediaworks, King Salmon, Crossfit Blenheim, Spy Valley Wines, SBS, Taylor Pass Honey, Havelock Hotel, Subway Picton, Pac N Save Blenheim, Grapelander Tours, Blenheim New World.
Our generous Sub Committee donated their time freely to assist with the running of the event before and during the event. They were Wynnie Wu Cosgrove, Kathryn Mann, Kay Leach, Bill Hunter, Les McKay, Kim Bacchus and Warren Hall. We thank them.
Our officials on the day did a splendid job on the day. They were;
The Ulysses Motorcycle Club Marlborough for Traffic Management.
Timekeepers and recorders and spotters at changeover points Wynnie Wu Cosgrove, Kathryn Mann, Wayne Gee, Bronwyn James (and Michael), Julie Hunter, John Bailey, Kay Leach, Sandra and Dennis Robinson, Leanne Barnes, Judith Hyndman, Warren Hall in the results control room. We owe them all a huge big thanks because without the officials doing their job, you would not get the results at the end.
Thank you to the people of Marlborough and the users of the Queen Charlotte Drive on Saturday for being so considerate to our teams and hoard of supporters.
One last thing is put Saturday 15th September 2018 in your diary now for the 37th running of the Queen Charlotte Relay.